When a penis meets a penis coming through the rye, it's only polite to reach out and tug someone. These two nature lovers are getting back to basics, returning to the Garden of Eden.
It begins with the simple act of mutual masturbation. Everyone she make their introductions in such a manner. Than comes the man on his knees, amazed by the wonder of a stiff cock. What else is there to do but put your mouth where his honey is. And that's just what our man does.
Now blowing a man in public is not for everyone. Some are more private, but we love the exhibitionist and their need to be watched. We're looking at you! And you're looking good, even as you keep a look out for what, maybe the strolling police officer? Damn, the man and his desire to hold us down.
Let us leave the two hard penises in carnal conversation, but remember, there but for the grace of God go I, we hope.
Sex in the Great Outdoors via Xtube.com