Gay men are just like straight girls: on Halloween they all want to dress up like sluts. Of course, we saw plenty of half-naked superheroes this weekend and it really made us hope for something more special. Hello Plastic Man!
Seriously, just look at the picture above. Aquaman (our favorite) is getting it deep. Just how much is Plastic Man packing? As much as you can take! Like everything else, Plastic Man must be able to make it as long or short, fat or thin as you want it. And we'd much rather have a man who can do that than has a steady job and returns our text messages promptly.
And look at Green Lantern and the Martian Manhunter. We've had some sexy in very crazy places, but never in outer space! It's so much fun to fantasize, but sadly, it's never going to happen—Just like getting it on with those stuck up muscles boys at a Halloween party dressed as Superman. They always go home with some muscle bound Wolverine. Since we can't watch that, at least we have all the pictures at Just Cartoon Dicks to help fuel our dirty minds. Our cock is up, up, and away.
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