Remember when you went to France that one time and you thought it'd be really cool to schlep a backpack around for three months while you "found yourself"? Remember how after 48 hours you "found yourself" loathing croissants and needing some goddamn Taco Bell? Yeah, so do we. Like anyplace, France is a mixed bag. To prove our point, take a gander at "Good Times 2", one of the latest vids from French pornossieurs JNRC. At first glance, you might not even know it's a porn flick, unless you happen to get turned on by fannypacks. (We do, but only when they're Hermès.) Seriously, though, even we're not sure it's porn, and we're the alleged experts. Is this the new standard in porn cover graphic design? Has the culture that gave us YSL and Jean Cocteau just dropped the bar? Someone call Coco quick, 'cause she never meant it to be this way.
· "Good Times 2" (DVD info @
· JNRC (