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I Want Gay Clips is one of the most exciting sources for gay amateur videos, gay fetish videos, and gay porn star videos. It's an interactive porn marketplace where both amateurs and porn stars can share their own original porn videos, either for free or at a price they choose. Site access is free and anyone can create an account, browse, watch free videos, and shop. The site has the fastest download speeds in the industry, offers free cloud storage, and also has exclusive artists, content, and special offers. Plus, there are no restrictive 24-hour download periods.

IWantGayClips uses an E-Wallet system which means fewer transactions need to be made to your bank account, and you can use the money in your E-Wallet to buy clips, pics, and other digital items. You can search for videos by keyword, and you can also use the site's message center to send messages and hear back from the site's content creators. Want to commission a special video from your favorite porn star? Just message them and ask if they'd like to do it! If you'd like to show some love to your favorite artists, you can also send them Tributes, which are like tips. It's a great site and one you'll want to be sure to bookmark.

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