specializes in condom-free, hardcore sex scenes starring hot European models. Everything on the site is exclusive and the site's 120+ videos are available for DRM-free downloading and streaming. In addition, members have access to a mobile version of the site which includes about 85 scenes, including many that are not offered on the web-based version of the site. features hot, everyday guys in their twenties with a variety of different looks and body types. The action is a mix of duos and threeways and the sex feels spontaneous and passionate with lots of cum facials, guys cumming in each other's asses, etc. The sex isn't kinky, but there's lots of cum play.
All of the videos at are in WMV format, with the site's newer videos offered at 640x480. Each scene is accompanied by a photo gallery with around 100 screencaps. The on-screen size of the images is good, but the downloadable versions of the images are even larger.
Avoid the trial offer at because it offers only limited access and then rebills at a monthly rate which is $10 higher than the normal price. Overall, offers a nice collection of amateur bareback videos that will have special appeal for fans of cum play.
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