AEBN is the leader in gay video-on-demand content with thousands of full length gay adult movies from hundreds of the industry's best studios. Both major studios and smaller indie studios are represented and you can choose to access videos via Pay Per Minute, Video Downloads, or VOD Rentals. AEBN's videos are offered in 1080p HD and they also look fantastic on iOS and Android mobile devices. If you have a Roku streaming media box, you can even kick back on your couch and watch AEBN content on your home TV via the AEBN channel. There's also a discreet channel icon available that says "Spreadsheet Tutorials" in case you need to keep your porn viewing on the downlow!
Membership at AEBN is always free, with no sign-up fees and no advertisements. You can browse the video catalog without signing up, too, in case you'd like to see what they have to offer first. All of the videos at AEBN are keyword tagged, allowing you to browse via dozens of specific categories. In addition, you can also search for your favorite studios, stars, or videos by name. The interface is clean and easy to use and the selection can't be beat. The quality of the streams is excellent and the video player automatically adjusts the bit-rate to the best possible with your available bandwidth. The pay-per-minute prices at AEBN are competitive, and you can get the price down even lower by purchasing more minutes at once. The download to-own prices are also competitive, and the downloadable rentals can last for 2 days, 7 days, or 30 days.
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