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The Bougie Show’s 3rd TeamSkeet Collab with Peter Green


The Bougie Show podcast has released another exciting collaboration episode with TeamSkeet. This time they brought adult performer Peter Green on board for a chat that allows viewers to get to know Peter on a more personal level.

The Bougie Show's 3rd TeamSkeet Collab with Peter Green

In the video titled, “Peter Green Interview Performing 19 Days In A Row? Abusive Scenes? Masked Performers? No More Anal?” Bougie Show host, Xay The DJ delves into the raunchy life of Peter. This candid conversation covers a range of topics, from Peter’s take on the penis injection, his exhilarating experience of shooting scenes consecutively for 19 days, his insights into masked performers, and why he quit doing anal scenes altogether.

“When I first started in porn, I used to say yes to everything, so I did a lot of anal scenes in the beginning of my career,” Peter explained. “But, the thing about anal is that there’s always bound to be an accident, and that started to get to me. Anal wasn’t as enjoyable for me anymore because of that so I stopped shooting them.”

As a gift of appreciation for this partnership, TeamSkeet also surprised Peter with an exclusive merch box filled with their hottest products, adding even more excitement to the podcast experience.

Sign up for TeamSkeet.com to watch more Peter Green, and be sure to subscribe to The Bougie Podcast for more exclusive interviews.

You can follow TeamSkeet on X/Twitter @teamskeet.

You can follow Peter Green on X/Twitter @xMrGreenxx.

You can follow The Bougie Show on X/Twitter @BougieShow.

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