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Rick’s Cabaret New York Girls Bring Christmas Cheer!


‘Tis the season to be naughty, and this time, you can do with at the one and only Rick’s Cabaret New York. I mean, what better place to celebrate the holidays?

The world-famous upscale gentlemen’s club known for its seemingly unlimited supply of beautiful exotic dancers, warm hospitality, and fun atmosphere, is a great place to celebrate the Holiday season.

The gorgeous Rick’s Cabaret Girls will wear (and happily remove) holiday-themed outfits throughout the three-story club, seducing guests with their enticing bodies.

Guys are sure to flex and make it rain on the hot girls as the sex appeal and allure of the Rick’s Girls puts everyone in the best of spirits.

Have the girls been naughty or nice this year? “I’ve definitely been naughty,” said Rick’s girl Natalia.

Located at 50 West 33rd Street, just one block from Madison Square Garden and across the street from the Empire State Building, the club features private suites, luxury sky boxes, and its own Rick’s Steakhouse, which offers lunch, dinner, and a late-night menu.

Rick’s girl Deanna said, “It’s fun going to Christmas parties, but it’s truly awesome if you come party and play with us at Rick’s Cabaret.”

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