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Adult Time Partners with Interactive Toy Giant Lovense


Adult Time is offering members a whole new way to plug into pleasure with an exciting new partnership deal with sex tech titan Lovense.

The streaming platform, which currently offers a stimulating selection of more than 370 erotic episodes, perfectly pairs with Lovense’s remotely activated smart devices – each uniquely designed to intuitively respond to the action onscreen. Toys are synched with the motions of the performers in each scene, allowing users to experience their favorite scenes in an entirely new fashion.

“We are committed to creating new experiences that provide incredible interactivity and engagement,” said Lovense CEO Dan Liu. “I am excited to announce our partnership with Adult Time, which combines high-quality porn and Lovense toys for a truly immersive sensation.”

Lovense is currently accessible on the Adult Time network by simply searching for content that supports interactive toys by clicking on the ‘Interactive Toys’ button on the left-hand menu. A step-by-step connection guide for Lovense toys is also available on Adult Time’s blog.

“We are thrilled to be offering compatibility with Lovense products on our platform”, said Frank Stacy, Adult Time’s Marketing Director. “For porn fans who have seen it all, this is a truly unique experience and something that will be a huge added value for our member base.”

In addition to its ever-expanding interactive content, AdultTime.com is home to more than 320 channels, 59,000 episodes, and 8 new releases per day from the most recognized and respected studios in the industry.

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