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Matt Bomer and Nathan Lane In A New Golden Girls Style Series!


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Matt Bomer and Nathan Lane In A New Golden Girls Style Series!

Hot off the press! What has been gayer on TV than The Golden Girls and Will & Grace? Ok, maybe the sex scenes in Queer as Folk were gayer, but sitcom-wise, those two shows lead the gays! Well, both brands are merging in a type of way with hottie Matt Bomer and the hilarious Nathan Lane leading a new series.

Hulu is developing Mid-Century Modern with Will & Grace creators Max Muchnick and David Cohan. The show will have influences of The Golden Girls and will feature Matt Bomer in the Rose (Betty White) and Nathan Lane in the Dorothy (Bea Arthur) inspired roles. And Sophia? Stage and screen great Linda Lavlin will play Nathan Lane's mom. James Burrows, one of the main directors of Will & Grace will direct the pilot.


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This is hot off the press, so no other details are known. No release date. We only know that the show will be set in Palm Springs. While we love the idea of this group and the marriage of Will & Grace and Golden Girls, Golden Girls was just so perfect how can you possibly come close? We've seen recent reboots like Murphy Brown and Frasier haven't done that well, and even the Will & Grace reboot was a bit meh.


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Also, this scenario reads a little too close to Silver Foxes, a TV show pitch and now a stage show that was written by Season 1 writer Stan Zimmerman. It's a bit suspicious. Stan Zimmerman, who also served as a writer for The Gilmore Girls and Roseanne, first presented a reading of Silver Foxes in his living room back in 2017. Who took part in the reading? George Takie, Bruce Vilanch, Leslie Jordan, Melissa Peterman, and Cheri Oteri for starters. Silver Foxes premise is about older gay men who live in Palm Springs. Hmm...sound familiar?


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The show was in development with Super Deluxe and was going to be a half-hour, single-camera sitcom. It never came to fruition. Stan and his writing partner, James Berg, turned into a play. The play description reads: The three older men plus their buddy’s younger Twink lover, navigate stray cats, online hook-up sites, and the real estate ravenous lesbian couple next door to become a fabulous de facto family in an iconic mid-century Palm Springs house. The play received its world premiere last year in Dallas and was directed by Michael Urie.


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Who better to include in this Golden Girls-inspired show than one of the original writers who apparently already wrote this premise? Gurllll....

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