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Go-Go Boy Spotlight: Austin Brue, Bubble Butt King of LA


Go-Go Boy Austin Brue

This week's Go-Go Spotlight is the sexy and sweet Austin Brue! You can see Austin at bars and clubs all over DTLA, WeHo, and Palm Springs. He's got a furry chest, a handsome face, and the roundest, most beautiful ass you've ever seen! It's easy to see why it's one of his favorite things to feature on his Instagram page (give him a follow, and see for yourself). I'm so glad we got to do this interview with Austin Brue! Check out his answers below, and try not to get drool everywhere!

Go-Go Boy Austin Brue showing off his bubble butt.


Gilbert, Arizona

Current City?

Hollywood, California

Birthday and age? 

March 23rd and I’m 28

Single or taken?

Happily single

Go-Go name?

I just go by Austin

How did you get your name?

As of right now, I just go by my actual name (Austin Brue), but maybe I should create a fun and sexy alter ego?! 

Go-Go Boy Austin Brue showing off his bubble butt.

When did you start go-go dancing and what got you into it?

I started in August 2021 so a little over a year ago. I originally moved to Los Angeles to be a professional dancer, so I already had that training. I always wanted to go-go but was too shy to go for it. After lockdown, I just said why not and decided to message a promoter I know to express my interest, and he hooked me up.

Favorite styles of music and artists to dance to?

I love dancing to anything upbeat that gets the crowd growing. I love feeling like I’m hyping people up and partying with them.

Venues & parties you dance at?

I’m at Precinct monthly for Meatball’s party called Fat Slut, and I’ve also go-go’d at Precinct for Bearracuda, Megawoof, VPL, Biqtchin’, and Bear Bust. You can always catch me occasionally at Gym Bar in Weho, The Eagle in Silver Lake, and Chill Bar in Palm Springs.

Favorite thing to wear while dancing?

I love wearing as little as possible, or anything that showcases my booty. I’m definitely an exhibitionist who loves to show off what I’ve got.

Favorite part of your body?

My booty. I’ve always had a big round bubble butt my entire life and I’d say it’s what I’m known for since I’m always showing it off! I also like my furry chest.

Go-Go Boy Austin Brue in a jockstrap

Your signature dance move?

I’m always shaking my ass and getting down on all fours to show it off.

Have you ever hooked up with a club patron?

I try to behave myself when go-going but some patrons have definitely caught my eye so I join them when I’m off the clock.

Have you ever hooked up with another dancer?

There’s definitely no shortage of sexy go-go dancers that I’ve worked with. I’ve definitely gone home with some of them and had some fun.

Biggest pet peeve when people are tipping you?

Anyone who’s super handsy and then doesn’t leave a tip. Otherwise, I’ve always had sweet and respectful tippers.

Biggest pet peeve about working with other go-go boys?

I don’t think there are any pet peeves that I have with other dancers.  No one I’ve worked with has ever really rubbed me the wrong way. I’m pretty easy to get along with.

Go-Go Boy Austin Brue on all fours.

What advice would you give to a new go-go dancer?

I’d say just have fun and leave your shyness at the door. It’s all about having fun, elevating the party, and showing off your confidence.

Favorite thing about being a go-go boy?

I’d say my favorite things are the people I get to work with and meet, and also how much of a confidence boost it is. I feel like I’m more confident almost naked go-going than I am going out fully clothed.

What do you like to do when you’re not go-go dancing? 

I love being out and about and staying busy. I love traveling, going on hikes, swimming, seeing live music, etc. I just love being around people.

What do you love about the city you live in?

I love how there is always something to do. LA is definitely not a boring place to live.


Finding new music, listening to podcasts. I have a nerdy hobby of making lists. I don’t know why I enjoy it.

Your hidden talents?

I used to work for Disney so I think I do a half-decent Mickey Mouse impersonation.
Go-Go Boy Austin Brue showing off his bubble butt in a jockstrap
Last TV show you binge-watched?

Like everyone else, I binged Wednesday on Netflix.

Top 3 favorite movies?

I’d say my favorites are probably Booksmart, Moana, and Bridesmaids.

Perfect romantic date?

I’m a pretty cheap date, I don’t need anything extravagant. As long as there is thought put into it and we have a good time.

Favorite sex position?

Doggy for when I want it rough and naughty, and missionary or spooning when I want it intimate and romantic.

Celebrity crush?

My biggest celebrity crush is probably Oscar Isaac. He’s so effortlessly sexy.

Follow Austin Brue on Instagram!

Follow Jordan Jayro on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.

Cybersocket: Plug In. Get Off.
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