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Leo Frost Gets A Taste of Tyler Hill and So Much More


[WATCH: Tasting Tyler - Helix Studios]

"Twink Titans" Leo Frost and Tyler Hill enjoy a bareback fuck at Helix Studios

I didn't call them that - Helix did. Titans or not, Tyler and Leo look like they're having a ton of fun with each other. Or, Leo likes taking cock. In his scene at Helix with Blake Mitchell (who may ACTUALLY be a twink titan) he did say he just likes to lay there and take it...

Leo Frost getting fucked at Helix Studios

Leo looks like he's loving Tyler's dick...

From Helix Studios:

Twink titans, Tyler Hill and Leo Frost tangle in the sheets for this epic pairing that is absolutely dripping with young superstar spunk! Both boy's bodies have never looked better as they tumble into the bedroom grappling for groin in a steamy make out/ strip session. Hill's hog is just as hard as his well worked out body and Leo kneels in awe as he opens wide to gobble up every inch. The pretty piece has Leo rocked up down below so Tyler takes the lead and then takes the twink's entire torpedo down his throat before moving on to explore the boy's beautiful booty. Frost gets on all fours and Tyler feels his way inside his warm center with three thick fingers while slapping his schlong against the perked up posterior. Frost lets him know he's ready to rumble so, top dog Tyler spits on his pole and pierces pretty boy's tight little pucker.

Bless the imagery in porn bios - Twink titans, "Hill's hog" and "Tyler's torpedo". Who doesn't want to jack off now?

After a little missionary, Leo decided to ride Tyler for a while:

Leo frost and tyler hill at helix

Leo frost riding dick like a champ, even if he's not laying there

But then Tyler's balls slapped against Leo's ass until they both came.

Tasting Tyler - Helix videos

Do you want a taste of Tyler Hill? Which Helix Studios model DO you want a taste of?


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