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Unwrapping Channing Tatum


2007_09_12_channing.jpgAs much as we've tried, it's been hard to keep track of all the shirtless photos of the scrumptious Channing Tatum floating around out there. So what's a star struck gay to do? Start by bookmarking this photostream bought to you by the folks at Channing Tatum Unwrapped, a fan blog that itself is chock-full of screencaps, YouTube clips and hi-res pics featuring you-know-who. You might think that a couple of dozen shirtless shots of Channing isn't nearly enough, but we're sure that as soon as a picture of Channing's nips and/or abs hits the interweb, this will be the first place to look for it. After all, we know you won't want to miss a single semi-naked inch. (Even those inches you may have seen already.)

· Channing Tatum Shirtless (Flickr; see also Channing Tatum Unwrapped @ channingtatumunwrapped.blogspot.com)
· Thumbnail via Lalli X's "Sex Bomb"

Previously: Channing Tatum Nude, Shirtless Actors on Flickr

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