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“Double Standard”: Titan Works The Holy Trinity Angle Again. And Again.


First of all, we should say that Titan Media has long since won over our hearts (and loins!) with their hot models and high production values; they totally rule the gay porn school. However, we just received our copy of their latest release, "Double Standard", and honestly, folks in Winnipeg could've heard our collective sigh of frustration when we pulled it from its discreet UPS packaging. Not because it doesn't look hot (hello, have you SEEN Rick Van Sant's ass?) but because they've once again resorted to the tried and true Titan Media Graphic Design Template™--which is starting to look a little too tried if you ask us. C'mon: doesn't that box cover look a little familiar? Let's refresh your memory ...

. . .

Here we have another Titan feature, "Warehouse". Notice anything similar? Perhaps three hot men Photoshopped into receding, four-point perspective? Oh, and look--there's Dean Flynn and Rick Van Sant! We wonder if we'll see them again?

Quelle coincidence. Another trio--and Sagat has rejoined them! But surely Titan can't keep this up ... ?

Hmmm. Three guys. Again. Tony and Francois have been replaced by Mssrs. Washington and Buff, but Ricky's still there. Hi, Ricky! You're totes adorable!

Have you noticed a trend yet?

How about now?

Seriously people, we don't make this stuff up.

Now don't get us wrong--we love consistency in branding. And given the talent involved, the covers look pretty scrumptious. And we totally know that the whole trinity motif has proven popular with consumers for the past 2,000 years. But porn thrives on disposability and change--new stars, new looks, etc.--and we hate reaching into our porn pile in a poppers-induced haze and pulling out the wrong DVD just because the covers look so damn similar. Doesn't everyone?

So please, Titan--for the love of all things polytheistic, can you try changing up the not-so-secret formula sometime? (Then again, we're total whiners when it comes to stuff like this. So really, what do we know?)

"Double Standard" (titanmen.com; see all the rest here)

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