We've said it before and we'll say it again, there is something about twins that is one part sexy and one party sleazy—you know, the part about incest. Sean Cody capitalizes on both.
His newest discoveries are identical twins Jeff (longer hair) and John (shorter hair), and there are two hot slabs of 19-year-old meat. Of course, Cody asks the straight boys if they've ever done anything sexual together (the answer is no) cause even though that is the question on everyone's mind, it's still totally yucky. Supposedly this is the first time they're jerking off together, and we don't find that hard to believe. After all, if you're a twin, you need to have at least something that's your own, right? At least for part of it, they're in their own separate chairs (giving each other the eye). The big question is, when Cody finally ponies up the cash to have this guys go at it with another guy, which one is the top, and which one is the bottom? Or, what if only one wants to make a hardcore film? Would it be as hot, and which one would you pick?
·Twins: Jeff & John (seancody.com)