In this country, it's hard enough to get the authorities to stop harrassing sex clubs. In Australia, not only are authorities helping spread safe sex messages in clubs, they're using porn to do it!
Hot House is letting the Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men's Health Centre in Victoria, Australia use images from their movies to make safe sex posters. The sexy signs are then hung in sex clubs and inform people how to use a condom (and really, if you don't know by now, you deserve a smack in the head rather than a racy poster). The bathhouse owners down under have reported that the posters are so popular that people are stealing them from the clubs.
We can totally understand wanting to put some artwork on the walls at home, but if this is the only think that stands between some idiot not using a condom and having safe sex, then there is a special place in hell for your theiving ass.
Our favorite part of this whole project is that while in America some Senators don't even know that condoms prevent HIV, in Australia you have groups getting right up there in the sex clubs and fighting the good fight, and doing it in a smutty way that is really going to appeal to the people that need the most help. Way to go, Aussies!
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