Honestly, we gave up on this outlandish FX plastic surgery show seasons ago, but when we heard about this hot scene, we were glad we still had the show on TiVo's season pass.
It stars daddylicious Richard Burgi (who you might remember from his role as Teri Hatcher's ex on "Desperate Housewives") and features two of the show's favorite things: gratuitous male nudity and cockamamie psycho-sexual conditions. Here the character is in love with his couch (a fetish called obectaphilia, and no, your buttplug doesn't count) and proceeds to strip down and make love to it. Yes, it is a lovely piece of mid-century modern design, but really, who would want to ruin it with a sack full of jizz! Burgi is probably from the same era as the couch and we wouldn't mind giving him the hot beef injection.
Just for giggles, below is the classic locker room scene from a few season's back that prominently features Mario Lopez's prominent posterior. Yes, "Nip/Tuck" has always had it's eye on the bottom line.
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·Mario Lopez and Julian Mcmahon "Nip/Tuck" (livevideo.com)