The porn director has a new YouTube ad out the RTA label which keeps the kiddies away from the porn. It's a very noble message, but there's something unsettling about her appearance?
It's not that she's in the video (it's well documented that straight people love a drag queen) It's that she's so skinny! Being in New York, we don't get to see ChiChi as often as you L.A. queens, but she looks to be a shadow of her old self. Now, if she's dieting and exercising and losing the weight in a healthy way, we say good for her. However, when someone we know (even if through virtual porn world) drops a lot of weight we naturally get all Irish mothery and want to feed her some mash potatoes and Jameson and make sure that she's not hitting the drugs or sick or something.
So, will someone let us know whether ChiChi get Richard Simmon's Deal-A-Meal or is a contestant on "RuPaul's Biggest Drag Race Loser" or if she's just, you know, hitting the tina.