Morgan Tepsic is a 20-year-old photographer and Oklahoma City native who likes taking nude portraits of himself jumping all around the world. Why? We have no idea, but he's hot as hell so we fully support all his artistic endeavors.
This awesome project raises all sorts of other questions, too. As Morgan himself notes, there are broader artistic concerns, such how one draws the divide between exhbitionism and art. There are also more practical questions like: how does he manage to set up such gorgeous shots? How does he avoid getting into trouble with local authorities? And, perhaps most importantly, how does he always manage to artfully hide his junk from the camera whilst in midair? Some of these great mysteries may never be answered, but if you're wondering how a 20-year-old photographer from Oklahoma manages to fund such an ambitious project, well, he just does what any other young, ambitious artist would do: taking donations.
·Morgan Tepsic (