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Colby Keller’s Treasure Island Work Inspires Our Favorite TIMJack Videos


Colby Keller took to the blogosphere this week to defend his recent Treasure Island Media scene in which he was "milked" by super-stud Morgan Black while tied to a St. Andrew's Cross. According to the safe-sex preacher, his values haven't been compromised by working for a raunchy bareback company that fetishizes seroconversion with anonymous bareback orgies. Being paid by a company that wholly embodies everything he crusades against still "fits into the practices of safer sex that I adhere to."

Oh, okay.

After noting that many Treasure Island Media performers are cast as "outsiders" in the industry, he contributes to the view by dictating exactly what kind of sex he will have with "the guys there" in order to make a buck. After all, he's always wanted to work with his scene partner Morgan Black—so long as the resident TIM performer stays well below Colby's waist.

We agree with Colby when he says there are ways anyone "can engage in hot sex that is less risky than anal sex," but not everyone is a deified pornstar that vilifies condomless sex. Drawing a complete line of separation between his porn career and advocacy work is a massive backpedal, and at best, a weak attempt to rationalize his hypocrisy.

In honor of Colby's flawed explanation for receiving a blowjob from an exclusively bareback pornstar for the most controversial bareback studio on the internet, we've rounded up our favorite safe, non-anal TIMJack jerkoff scenes. Colby's not the only one that has dropped trou to make the car payment!

Danny Boy

This guy has a perfect dick. It's just a long, thick slab of cock with an awesome inch of foreskin at the end. Watching him jerk off at a photography studio totally makes us feel like we're going to get caught doing something wrong.


OH MY GOD. It's Randy Blue's Diego Sans! Before you die right now, you should also check him out in Treasure Island's Suck Dick, Save the World.


Scott is "definitely an ass man" that wears ankle bracelets. If we could date any of the TIMJack men, it would be this high-spurting, energetic little cub.


Ty looks like an angry teenager that's about to start some trouble. He works his meaty dick into a half-boner before spraying his Metallica t-shirt with cum. Oh, to be young!


Where does Treasure Island find guys with dicks this great? Joey's dick should honestly be the standard mold for all dildos.


Jackpot! The token gorgeous straight guy watching straight porn. He lists a turn on as "showing off my body," and you better believe he knows how to put on a good show. You can look but can't touch, and he loves it.


Oh man. We'd give anything for a taste of that sweaty, hairy hole!


Adam is a serious fox. Lovers of rock hard dicks that pump creamy, white fountains of cum like a geyser, inquire within.

· Check out these exclusive scenes and new, weekly updates at TIMJack (TIMJack.com)

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