The Stand is a new series based on a Stephen King story about a weaponized virus that decimates the world and leaves survivors with a post-apocalyptic wasteland. TV is great for escapism. Of course what we're really loving about this series is that it gives us yet another opportunity to check out naked Alexander Skarsgard! Is The Stand the new True Blood? Comment below.
Seven episodes into The Stand, Skarsgard makes sweet passionate candlelit love to Amber Heard. As he has sex with her in missionary, we get a look at his hot ageless ass, and careful observers will notice that his cheeks are covered in a luscious blanket of Swedish ass fuzz! Swedish Ass Fuzz is the name of my ska band btw.
Alexander Skarsgard last went nude on the HBO series Big Little Lies, and before that he flashed some ass in Diary of A Teenage Girl in 2015. In between those two nude appearances Skarsgard delivered one of my favorite cinematic moments to date when he filled tf out of some yellow undies in 2016's War on Everyone...
But of course, Skarsgard's most infamous nudity can be found on True Blood, where he did thissssss....
Are you watching The Stand? Do you think Skarsgard needs to take a stand and film a follow-up gay sex scene with Ryan Kwanten? Spillz!