Sabrina might be a teenage witch, but Ross Lynch is a little teenage bitch for not going nude (or even shirtless) on the season three of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - just released on Netflix. He's a h8er! So, while I would have loved for this Sabrina season three striptease recap to feature Lynch, instead we'll focus our attention on cutie Luke Cook, who showed his ass in the show's very first ever nude scene. History? Made.
Everyone and his zaddy is into Gavin Leatherwood these days, and he goes sexily shirtless a number of times here.
Sam Corlett shows his titties on the beach.
While Chance Perdomo gives up his spookily hot bulge.
More like hocus GROPEus right ladies? NE WAYZ I obviously don't watch The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina as I am a middle school graduate, so really this post is all about the titties. And the ass. And the Ross Lynch shaming. Enjoy witches.