Who loves gay memes? Memememe! Gays and memes have become the iconic Internet duo of 2019, and since we already checked out some funny memes for gay bottoms, today we're going to check out some funny memes for gay tops. Snatch. There really is no better way to light a match to precious time than to not only check out memes on Instagram but also judge your Insta friends by which memes they like. All the while knowing they're doing to same to you. Humor. Judging. Time management. Tops. I just fucking love gay memesssss!
UPDATE: I just got through embedding all the posts and am aware that some don't relate specifically to being a top, but I also am aware that there aren't as many bottoming memes as topping memes. But what is a bottom if not just a top without a lid. Ya know? Anyway what should our next haphazard lazily-executed meme theme be? Please let me know in the comments!
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But in this bottom-heavy economy, should we expect top prices to rise? More in this, at 11 📺
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