The most extreme auto-boner I ever got was at summer camp when a friend talked to his own wiener in the pool changing room. #Memories. That is, until now! We recently saw the stage four hotness that is Zac Efron's brother's bouncing undercarriage, but, ever dat bich, he one-upped his own floppy cock and ball video with this new wildlyyyyyyy pornographic picture above! Wildly.
His name is Dylan, and he'll take up any sport that allows him to flaunt his shredded bod and copious impeccably-distributed bawdy hair. Much of which can be found between his belly button and his sac. For some reason Dylan cropped this picture to just above his bulge, which is a shame, but gives us something to look forward to when he makes his Sean Cody debut.
So, auto-boners anyone?
Photo Credit: MEGA