When I saw Jack Reynor's flopping penis in Midsommar in the theater I thought "I need to share this with all my friends!" But then I remembered that I had to wait for the movie to come out on demand in order to share the high-quality deliciousness. And that I don't have any friends. Both of which left this little miss thang in a lurch since Midsommar hit theaters in July. Well finally the horror movie about a Swedish cult is available to stream, which means I can bring you the HD clip of the adorable Jack Reynor flashing his super sexy smooth bod and mouthwatering package! Does that make us... friends?
We saw some grainy bootleg Jack Reynor cock back in July as well as all of his sexy ass shots from his series Strange Angel, but this right here is the real deal. Midsommar was one of the best and most aesthetically-jawdropping movies I've seen in a long time, and the fact that after a bizarre deflowering sex ritual Jack bolts out into broad daylight with his penis and balls on full display... I just... ::chef's kiss:: Perfection! What do you guys think? Spillz!