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Sebastian Kehl Penis Slip


Sebastian Kehl Penis Slip

If penis slips featuring sexy German soccer players received as much as attention as their female Hollywood celebrity counterparts, surely Sebastian Kehl would rank right up there with Tara Reid and Janet Jackson on the list of most stunning accidental body part exposures ever. Alas, it seems that moments like Sebastian's can only be appreciated by the select few who enjoy the spectacle of hot athletes falling copiously out of their shorts on the playing field. Perhaps you're one of them?

· "Sebastian Kehl and his Penis" (tempcity.com/bitchless - thanks M.; more screencaps @ fmforums.co.uk)

· Sebastian Kehl Popout (.wmv video @ rapidshare.de - click "Free" button in "Select Your Download" column at bottom of page and wait for download link to appear; also available via YouTube)

See also: Sebastian Kehl (official site @ sebastian-kehl.de)

Previously: Andy Roddick Dick Slip?, Philip Olivier Speedo Fallout, Beckham's Boy Action, Football Kama Sutra

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