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DVD: “AMG Resurrection”



Usually when people go snooping around their grandparents' attic, they find bronzed baby shoes or a missing Edvard Munch painting (if they're lucky)—but in "AMG Resurrection", the first hardcore release by the venerable Athletic Model Guild, Chad Leigh plays a snooping young'n who discovers gramps' porn stash from the Eisenhower years. Both grandfather and grandson worship the physique model played by Jason Adonis. The previews look hot; they include actual archival footage and hardcore action edited to appear like it was shot in the 50s. And Adonis, well known for his divatude, says the pros at AMG treated him a like queen king: "The crew was great to work with, these guys captured all three of my cumshots like no other studio has." Grandpa would've been proud.-RM

"AMG Resurrection" (XXX Version) (DVD preorder info and Flash trailer @ amgresurrection.com)

See also:
· Jason Adonis (official site @ jasonadonis.com)
· Athletic Model Guild (athleticmodelguild.com)

Previously: Athletic Model Guild Wrestling, Athletic Model Guild DVDs, The Adonis Brothers

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