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Daily DudeTube


Remember the days when you actually had to use your imagination to fantasize about that hot college stud who lived down the hall? Thanks to sites like YouTube, Daily Motion, and eVideoShare, you don't have to hang out in dorm bathrooms anymore to sneak a peek at the goods while he's leaving the shower—now you get to go right in his room to watch him strip down, show off his muscles, and do pretty much everything you used to fantasize about. Starting today, our esteem'd colleague Matt from the inestimable DudeTube will be bringing you the best amateur videos to hit the web right here on Fleshbot every day, starting with this three part series of ... yes, a hot college stud stripping down, showing off his muscles, and doing pretty much exactly what you fantasized about. You didn't think we'd get your hopes up for nothing, did you?

· Hot Bro Stripping: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (videos @ evideoshare.com; popup ad warning)

See more @ DudeTube (dudetube.blogspot.com)

Previously: DudeTube, YouTube Mega Post, Caperboi Adventures, Nipple Ring Grappling, Boyblog Booty Call

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