While most online sex emporiums all look pretty much alike, the brand spanking new Stockroom: Male site is one extremely well-hung exception. Like the hetero-flavored version which launched a few months ago, the site showcases Stockroom's selection of toys, fetish gear, outfits and various CBT devices with gorgeous photos of men who wear it well. After all, what better way to sell a cockring than by seeing it modeled on a fat pierced cock? Don't miss the "extras" gallery of sexy screensavers and desktops, as well as the mouth-watering selection of free e-cards. This is marketing at its best—we'll take one of each, thank you.
V. Blue
· Stockroom: Male (male.stockroom.com)
· Stockroom: Male Extras
Previously: Cockpower, Shai Sex Packing Catalogs, America's Next Top Bondage Chef, DVD: "Boot Boy", Chained Heroes, Sax Leather