Welcome to the Labor Day weekend edition of the Boyblog Booty Call, where almost every man demands some hard labor. Or more. -RM
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If you're feeling frisky for some sexy wrestling singlet action (and who isn't?) may we introduce you to the Wrestling Blog? It's chock full of plenty of gayish photos of wrestlers sportin' wood and regular YouTube clips. Sure, it's pretty much exclusively twink-flavored ... but coming from someone who calls homself "Singletboi", we suppose that's pretty much the point.
· "Wrestling Blog" (singletboi.blogspot.com)
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Three reasons why PAYOR's post on Mr. Gay Europe made the Boyblog Booty Call cut this week: (1) We're well known to ogle strippers and other exhibitionist types; (2) Our Gawker Media overlord hails from Budapest, and therefore (3) we sort of didn't have a choice. The winner, who is nicknamed Nándi, says he wants to show that Hungarian gays are "just like the boy next door." Assuming the boy next door parades around in a thong all day, that is..
· "Hungarian Rhapsody" (rjr10036.typepad.com)
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If voyeurism is the primary raison d'etre for shows like "Big Brother", exposing mainstream audience to all sorts of homoerotic escapades must run a close second. Our friends at TVGasm report that the trio of Dr. Will, Mike Boogiem and Chicken George "are now the hottest" item on the show, and validate the claim with a disturbing yet sexy clip that involves men in rubber suits, various fluids and wrestling. Sounds like our kind of party!
· "Clipgasm: Stickin' George Edition" (tvgasm.com/)
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It's a safe bet to assume that most of the fotolog boys are rather fond of the camera. However, the latest Fotolog of the Week at Made in Brazil sets new standards for narcissism. Then again, if we looked like that we'd probably be kissing our mirrors a lot too.
· "Fotolog Of The Week: Leo Play RJ" (madeinbrazil.typepad.com)
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As for the tepid MTV Music Awards last week, well ... the less said about it the better. Fortunately, the boys at Queerclick remind us that there's at least one reason to check our TiVo recording a little more closely. We still can't verify whether Justin is really packing something or if it's just a trick of the light, though; maybe only Lance Bass Cameron Diaz knows for sure.
· "Justin Timberlake's Sexy VPL/Bulge" (queerclick.com)
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Previously: Boyblog Booty Call Archive