It's been one week since the bandages came off Fleshbot's latest facelift, and the verdict is in: you really, really hate it! Well, maybe a few of you have noticed that the site now loads much faster than it used to and that we've been posting a lot more content thanks to the new format, but most of the bitching concerns we've heard from many of you have been focusing on questions like why most of our pictures on the front page are so much smaller now, why the type has shrunk, why you need to click an extra link to read many entries in their entirety, and more generally ... why? Some answers—and a glimmer of hope for those who miss Ye Olden Days—after the jump.
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So why do I have to keep clicking "more" to read entries that used to be all on the front page in their entirety?
Sorry, but here's why we made you do that: The new design is all about streamlining our front page content to make the site load faster and reduce the strain on our server. So some entries will jump over to their own individual page after the first paragraph. We do know, however, that it's frustrating to click on one of those "more" links only to find a URL after the jump, and we're working to make sure that doesn't happen from now on—when you click on "more", you'll be getting more than just a link for your troubles (i.e., more text or pictures). Feel free to bitch us out though if we slip up and the "more" link doesn't bring you to more of the fleshy goodness you're expecting. Which leads us to ...
Why are the images so small now? This is a freakin' porn site!
The truth is that we haven't abandoned big, colorful, boobie-and-peen filled pictures—most of you have discovered by now that clicking on an image or post headline will take you to the full-size version on the individual post page. But again, scaling down some of the pics on the front page makes things easier on your browsers and our servers ... which actually allows us to post more porn each day, increasing your overall diet of filth. We love a site with a little meat on its bones, but sometimes it helps to trim the love handles just a bit. And speaking of trimming down ...
Why did you decrease the font size?
Except for the headlines (which we made smaller to fit more content on the front page), the font size for the entries on Fleshbot is exactly the same as it was in our previous layout—even if it appears that we shrunk everything. Seriously. We took a ruler and held it up to the screen and measured it and everything.
We know things might take some getting used to, but in long run this will lead to more of the good stuff you crave ... and we definitely appreciate your patience during the transition. However, if you're still having any genuine technical issues, like a page which obviously is looking borked or unreadable in your browser, be sure to send us a detailed message with the following information so we can see what you're seeing:
- Your operating system (be sure to include the version)
- The browser you're using (again, include the browser version)
- The URLs of any specific pages you came across which don't look right
Thanks again for your feedback—good, bad, and middling. Keep those cards and letters coming, kids!
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Previously: Introducing Fleshbot v3.14: More Flesh, All The Time