If one of those new super-sized American Gladiators looks a little familiar to you, congratulations for remembering your gay porn history: before picking up one of those giant Q-Tip looking battle thingies and joining the cast of the soon-to-be relaunched NBC fighting spectacular, Alex "Militia" Castro made a few solo appearances for legendary COLT photographer Jim French back in 2001 as "Elian Cortez" (not to mention a few appearances as "Alex Castro" that we mentioned a while back). So if you're wondering why he's so talented at wielding one of those huge, heavy sticks ... well, now you know.
Check out more of Alex Castro's, uh, credentials after the jump.
· "COLT Man Elian Cortez Appears on Primetime!" (coltstudiogroup.com)
· COLT Men: Elian Cortez (model profile @ coltstudiogroup.com)
· Alex Castro Biography (americangladiatorsblog.com)
· "American Gladiators" (official site @ nbc.com)
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Previously: Meet Alex Castro