When it comes to turn-ons, we cast a very wide net. Seriously: we've fantasized about Mr. French and Uncle Bill doing the Turkish oil wrestling thing ... and when you're that far gone, there's precious little left. However, we clearly missed the memo about the Shmoo fetish currently sweeping gay porndom ... or at least its graphic design departments.
Just finding the hole on that thing (if there is one) confuses the hell out of us, but apparently no one else is having that problem: Shmoo-love is so full-blown these days that someone's even producing Shmoo wrestling videos! Like, that's what this DVD is supposed to be, right? Big white rounded blobs duking it out for our collective pleasure? We'd rather settle for our Kevin James/James Gandolfini naked death match j/o fantasies (there are several, FYI) as far as that's concerned, but we guess we'll take what we can get.
· Brief Encounters (DVD info @ tlavideo.com)