When it comes to erotic uses of Photoshop, there is the occasionally sexy, the rather amusing, and the completely bizarre. And then there's ZakImages, an online photo studio specializing in "distinctive male portraiture": this apparently involves images of good looking models with perfect skin and nicely defined abs transformed into otherworldly-looking creatures with too-perfect skin and overly defined abs.
The heavyhanded use of Photoshop is a pity, since you can tell that Zak's models would probably look pretty darn good without all that virtual airbrushing. The overall effect, however, falls somewhere in that uncanny valley, and the portfolio ends up looking like a collection of skimpily dressed underwear department mannequins. (Not that there's anything wrong with being turned on by underwear department mannequins, mind you. We suppose Photoshop is useful for that sort of fantasy too.)
• ZakImages: "Distinctive male Portraiture" (zakimages.com)