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Manly Is Silent But Deadly (Hot)


Who hasn't met a guy that was crazy hot... until he opened his mouth. Seriously, there's nothing worse than watching someone's sexiness dissipate as they continue to talk and talk and talk. Dale Lazarov, the author of the boner-inducing Sticky series of comic books, has learned that lesson well, and knows better than to bog his erotic stories down with a ton of text. His new book, Manly, drawn just on the right side of cartoony by Amy Colburn, gives us three hot and heavy escapades without one word uttered. Trust us: as you're flipping through these pages, you won't have a word to say. Although some moaning and grunting will definitely be in order.

· Manly by Dale Lazarov and Amy Colburn (brunogmuender.com)

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