When it comes to art, we can't even draw a bath, which may explain why we get so turned on by illustrated figures of dreamy studs. Either that or all the cartoons we watched as kids, either one.
Canadian erotic artist J. Bone as a wonderful aesthetic that blends hot, hairy hunks and a whimsical style. The colorful cartoons take the machismo down a few notches, but the surly subjects manage to elevate the drawings from the camp into the erotic.
The blog used to be just pencil sketches of J. Bone's "Guy a Day," but this year he has settled instead on posting finished images, though less frequently. We think the final product is worth it. And you never know where his inspiration is going to come from, like pornstars (Francois Sagat is a favorite muse, of course), athletes, the hotties from Gay Pride, and even photographs of friends. Damn, if we had friends that hot, we wouldn't be wasting our time drawing!
· Man's Adventure (bonesmen.blogspot.com)