It's not David Taylor or Vince Ferrelli here—we're just using this as an illustration of what this gay pornstar is probably doing now that he's back in the slammer thanks to a parole violation.
We have it on a very good authority (we even saw the inmate locator) that this gay-for-pay trade has been locked up since July for violating his parole. Since so many stars live in California, it's not giving away much to say that's where he is behind bars, and we have no idea when he's getting out. Well, this explains why the once ubiquitous actor (he wasn't in "Screwed" the Jet Set movie we stole the illustration from) hasn't been seen anywhere lately. Now that he's in there, he has a bunch of time to work on his bottoming skills. He might even come out of prison with a whole new skill set to show off!
Do you know who it is? Guess in the comments.