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What’s Your Favorite Sexy Photo Of The Summer?


What's Your Favorite Sexy Photo Of The Summer?We're going with this incredible shot by Chuando & Fey. It's not like we're art critics or anything, but we've seen a lot of hot almost-naked dudes this summer and this photograph stopped us in our tracks.

We've been hating on a lot of stuff lately—bad pop songs, dumb celebrities, porn stars who make awful grooming decisions—and we thought that we could use a healthy injection of positivity into our Tuesday. Now that New York is on it's third day in a row of windy, rainy, apocalyptic weather, it seems that summer is finally on it's way out. That means no more summer-themed photoshoots with male models frollicking in their underwear, no more pictures of pornstars suggestively sucking on popsicles. So why is this our favorite shot of the summer? Everything about this image of model Diego Miguel is pretty much perfect: A beautiful man with incredible abdominals lies down in a tanning bed and is suddenly transformed into the angel of sex with a crotch of glowing, electric-blue light. His wings are made out of UV rays. Pools of liquid metal replace his eyeballs. His hips are an arena that we can only dream of exploring.

But we're sure that there are a lot of you who disagree with us, so why don't you post your own favorite sexy images from this past summer. If we like your choice better than we like our own we'll send you some free porn!

· Singapore | Diego Miguel by Chuando & Frey (vglmen.blogspot.com)

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