Over the course of this past month there's been a rash of popular, more-or-less viral YouTube videos featuring sexy, shirtless or naked 20-something men doing various, amusing things. It is very important that this continues to happen.
It seems like things started with Craigery Morgan's "Surprise Party," a video featuring a shirtless Craigery miming an old "Saturday Night Live" skit. It was here that we first discovered the heady pleasures of watching a shirtless boy do silly things on the Internet—the unbearable cuteness of young man at play mixed with the unbearable hotness of a muscular young adult. Maybe there were always hot dudes on YouTube, but since this clip started making the rounds on Facebook we feel like we've been noticing more:
And more:
This is great! If you are a hot guy, please, for the sake of your homosexual brothers, please consider making a cute video of yourself doing something without your shirt on. It doesn't have to be that interesting, or amusing even! Because if these videos prove nothing else it's that hotness more than makes up for a lack of comedic talent.