We got wind of Skeletor Saves, a charity art show of He-Man related work sponsored by fetish gear site Slick It Up. Naturally there are a bunch of naked muscle dudes and horny villains—some by porn stars!
The curators behind the event have collected a diverse group of artwork, including some that you never dreamt of when watch the cartoon back in the day. Also, porn stars Francois Sagat, Buck Angel, and Colby Keller have donated pieces for a good cause, the Ali Forney Center—the country's largest gay teen homeless shelter. Here's a selection of their not safe for work doodles. If you like what you see, stop by the show form 6-10pm on Thursday, April 7th, at Headquarters Studio, 385 Broadway, in New York.
If you like one of the pieces here (or on their website) email [email protected] and they'll set up a way for you to bid.
"Skeletor" by Aaron Cobbett
"Skeletor" by Ian Jopson
"Skeletor" by Ian Jopson
"Strip Poker" by Benoit Prevot
Untitled by Tim Palen
"He-Man" by Rob Clarke
Untitled by Buck Angel
Untitled by Bryan Raughton and Nathan Vincent
"Skeleta and She-Man" by Francois Sagat
"The Seduction of He-Man" by Justin Winslow
Untitled by Colby Keller