Oh well, you can just put your feet up here and enjoy 50 minutes worth of free porn. I often come across massage sites to review, both straight and gay. A lot of these are set-ups, but there are some that are real spy cams. There's a Czech site, for example, that does only spy cams, and they set them up in washrooms and saunas, even inside sunbeds. So there you can pay to watch a man lying down naked for 10 minutes. Fab eh? Quite. Well, some of the sites are about guys coming for a massage who then get everything massaged, inside and out, and they are very horny.
Trouble is, you end up paying real money for the pleasure of seeing them and, after a while, they start to feel the same. Another man gets naked, another guy gets blow and fingered and so on. It's horny enough and good to get you stroking to, but everything is better when it's free. So thank you Dixieguy63, thanks for your 50 minutes of free massage and sex video. I know it takes about half the time to get to the cock stuff, and the quality isn't great but it's free and when the guy finally shoots, he shoots high.
There's something very horny about this particular spy cam style home video. I wonder if the guy on the table knew he was being filmed?
Watch Young man enjoying some special attention on Xtube