Liam Neeson (64)
I'm Taken... by sexy Irishman Liam Neeson! With all the hoopla about his acting skills and Schindler's List and 2004 AARP Movies for Grownups Award win for Kinsey, it's easy to forget what really matters when it comes to Liam: His huge fat cock. In fact, Neeson's ex, The Joker, once declared that he has: Via MTV
The biggest penis of any man alive. He unzipped his pants and an Evian bottle fell out.
Oops, reports are coming in that it wasn't The Joker, it was Janice Dickinson. My bad! While Michael Fassbender comes to mind when thinking about the biggest peen in the biz, the pics in the gallery from 1991's Under Suspicion prove that we've got another horse (cock) in the race! Check out some of Liam's best nude moments below!