Tyson Beckford has come a long way since spoofing his own male model persona in Zoolander. He's already headlined one film this summer, Chocolate City, a sequel to which—presumably to be titled Chocolate City XXXL—was announced last week, and now he's bragging to something called The Gossip Table that his manhood is "ten inches on a good day."
The Sword (link below) basically used this tenuous connection to Tyson to post some pics of the actor and model going nearly full frontal in 2008 and, well, I'm not above doing the exact same thing...
There's also apparently been a nude pic of Tyson floating around, but as this picture conclusively proves, it's a fake...
Oh well, maybe Chocolate City XXXL will have some full frontal to go along with all the action this time around.
To see more of Tyson and the other Chocolate City denizens, head over to Mr. Man
Via The Sword