Public nudity is permissible in Canada, so why not take advantage of these loose laws? Canadian artist Brent Ray Fraser is definitely going to make the most of it, which he did with his latest project "Modern Man."
This brief excerpt comes to us from his Vimeo account (link below), and features Fraser wordlessly walking up to a small table, elegantly appointed for dinner, stationed out on the street in front of the Carnegie Centre. Passersby gawk, take photos, and appear to rag on him, but Fraser eats on, undeterred by the sights and sounds around him.
What does it all mean? I'm not sure, but he's naked and frankly, that's all that matters. Does that make me a philistine? Perhaps, but at least I don't make any bones about it.
Brent Ray Fraser eats nude on E. Hastings Street in Vancouver, BC from Brent Fraser on Vimeo.