If you're going to traverse the globe raising awareness, there are worse ways to do it than by taking snapshots of yourself doing a naked handstand in each exotic locale. That's exactly what this gentleman, known only as The Naked Handstander, is up to.
So what is he raising awareness for, exactly? I'm glad you asked. According to Traveller24 (link below), this five year-long and going strong project is all about Planned Obsolescence.
The Naked Handstander is, in fact, doing what he does “To raise awareness of Planned Obsolescence and to explore the world in all its glory and wonder in the raw....to make people laugh, cry and smile (maybe even at the same time) and most importantly to make people THINK about this glorious place we live in and what we do to it.”
Planned Obsolescence? We also didn't know what that was, but he explains: "The deliberate shortening of a products useful life in order to force the consumer to buy or 'upgrade' over and over and over again....in the name of Profit and Greed."
Well, whatever he's up to, he's raising more than just awareness...
Via Traveller24