If you don't follow the rough and tumble world of Cartoon Network shows, Clarence is a new show from Skyler Page, a former writer on the hit series Adventure Time. A recent episode of Clarence was to feature two men kissing one another on the lips, but the network put the kibosh on that and the animators instead showed them kissing each other on the cheek.
In an interview with The Huffington Post (link below), the episode's writer explained the decision to change the location of the kiss 3 inches...
However, the show's writer, Spencer Rothbell, has confirmed that the gay couple originally kissed on the lips and one of them gave his partner flowers.
The scene was changed in order to get the green light from Cartoon Network, who air the show.
He later added: “It’s such a minor throwaway moment but I guess it’s better than nothing. Maybe one day the main character can be gay and it won’t be a big deal.”
Earlier this year the Disney Channel featured its first ever gay characters when a lesbian couple were introduced in an episode of the sitcom, 'Good Luck Charlie'.
Progress is progress, so I guess we'll take the victories where we can get them at this point.
*If you do click on the link to the original story, I beg of you, don't read the comments section. It will make you lose all faith in humanity.