Give a man a stool and his tool, and nothing will stand in his way. For a man is not a man if that man isn't a masturbator. A man who doesn't jerk off is like a flower that never blooms, a waterfall that has run dry or a manhole that no one falls into. It's just unnatural. And we have toiled and labored mightily in pursuit of the orgasm. If we could, who among us wouldn't pleasure themselves forever?
Now that we've established the desire, let's put an obstacle in our way to experiment with just how far a man will go to get off. Take our jerk off here, a strong if damaged man, with one arm cast in plaster and unusable. Does that stop him from getting hard and then getting off? No!
He finds a hard stool and takes a seat. He puts his out-of-use arm to the side and works with what he's got, which it turns out is quite a lot, and he pulls and tugs and scrubs and scours and slides and glides himself to that place we all know so well.
Master Caster via Xtube.com