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A Naked One-Man Circus We’d Love to See


A Naked One-Man Circus We'd Love to SeeSilly us thought Adam Killian's only talent was fucking like a demi-god. Step right up, because right inside is the brawny, big-dicked, bubble bootied beauty doing cock-hardening contortions and jazzy juggling. Ya' gotta see it! You'll believe it.

While horsing around on the set of TitanMen's "Impulse," Adam revealed that behind all that manly muscle is a playful little boy with the flexibility of Plasticman. Our first act has Adam demonstrating a few yoga moves that gives us VIP views from every death-defying angle. We're immediately signing up for Hot Nude Yoga.

Our second act has Adam juggling balls and gigantic red cock rings. Although he's learning from scene partner Jessy Ares, we've no doubt that within time Adam will be catching hoops on his perpetually stiff dick. It's Mesmerizing! Marvelous! An Amusement Sensation!

The Grand Finale in the center ring is Adam in an underwater three way with Jessy and Shay Michaels. You'll have to click here to see it, however.

A Naked One-Man Circus We'd Love to See

On a side note, Facebook's ridiculous policing policies have shut down TitanMen's Facebook page. You know, since men kissing is purely evil, society wrecking smut. Thankfully, they've put a new one up. So to get all of your muscle god needs, hurry, hurry, hurry! Step right up!

· Adam Killian Strikes a Pose on the Set of IMPULSE (titanmen.com)
· Jessy Ares Knows How to Handle Balls and Rings (titanmen.com)

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