In addition to being an all-around world class hunk, Henry Cavill is also a part time lumberjack. I would imagine that's the case because every time he's not shooting a film, he's sporting a stout beard typically found on men splitting tree trunks in the Ontario woods. Maybe he's more of an urban lumberjack though, or as my friends call them, a hipster.
These outtakes from Henry's recent Men's Health UK photo spread come to us courtesy of OMG Blog (link below), and they show Cavill looking like he's ready either lay waste to a cluster of trees or take a class in urban beekeeping.
The thing that really kills me about Henry Cavill is that he has wavy hair and actually makes it look awesome. I have wavy hair and unless I get it cut every six weeks, I end up looking like Phil Spector in court. I'm beginning to think he was bred in a lab somewhere. It would have to be a sexy lab, though, wouldn't it, with hunks in lab coats constantly nodding as they hold up test tubes full of different colored liquids to the light. Damn sexy scientists.
Via OMG Blog