A gorgeous new hardcover book that brings together dozens of illustrated gay erotica images is now on sale and appears to be the ultimate in time capsule sexiness. Stroke: From Under the Mattress to Out in the Open by Robert W. Richards & Hunter O`Hanian is here just in time for the holidays and is sure to make the perfect gift for any fan of vintage gay erotica.
According to Queerty (link below), Richards sought out the best and brightest from the heyday of gay erotica and compiled it into something pretty incredible.
Artist Robert W. Richards curated over 80 original illustrations by 25 artists, including many forgotten bodies of work and some that have been tucked under mattresses for years. Work by Bob Mizer, Bob Mizer and others were featured in early gay magazines like Grecian Guild Pictorial and Tomorrow’s Man at a time when the U.S. government was cracking down on the “sexual perversion” of gay life. By the late ’60s and after the “sexual revolution,” magazines like Blueboy, Torso, Honcho, Mandate and InTouch came out. Each issue featured illustrations by artists like Antonio Lopez, Mel Odom, George Stravrinos and Richard Rosenfeld.
Check out some of the images below, though be forewarned that some of them are censored—thanks Amazon—and be sure to get a copy of this book while you can. It looks to be selling fast.
Via Queerty